GenesisChapter 35 1 And power said vnto Iacob, Arise, goe vp to Bethel, and dwel there: and make there an Altar vnto power, that appeared vnto thee, when thou fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother.2 Then Iacob said vnto his household, and to all that were with him, Put away the strange powers… Continue reading genesis 35
Tag: isaac
genesis 31
GenesisChapter 31 1 And he heard the words of Labans sonnes, saying, Iacob hath taken away all that was our fathers; and of that which was of our fathers, hath hee gotten all this glory.2 And Iacob behelde the countenance of Laban, and behold, it was not toward him as before.3 And yahawah said vnto… Continue reading genesis 31
genesis 27
GenesisChapter 27 1 And it came to passe that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dimme, so that he could not see, hee called Esau his eldest son, and said vnto him, My sonne. And hee said vnto him, Behold, here am I.2 And he said, Behold now, I am old, I know… Continue reading genesis 27
genesis 26
GenesisChapter 26 1 And there was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the dayes of Abraham. And Isaac went vnto Abimelech King of the Philistines, vnto Gerar.2 And yahawah appeared vnto him and said, Goe not downe into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of.3… Continue reading genesis 26
genesis 22
GenesisChapter 22 1 And it came to passe after these things, that power did tempt Abraham, and said vnto him, Abraham. And hee said, Beholde, heere I am.2 And he said, Take now thy sonne, thine onely sonne Isaac, whom thou louest, and get thee into the land of Moriah: and offer him there for… Continue reading genesis 22
genesis 21
GenesisChapter 21 1 And yahawah visited Sarah as he had said, and yahawah did vnto Sarah as he had spoken.2 For Sarah conceiued, and bare Abraham a sonne in his old age, at the set time, of which power had spoken to him.3 And Abraham called the name of his sonne, that was borne vnto… Continue reading genesis 21
genesis 17
GenesisChapter 17 1 And when Abram was ninetie yeres old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said vnto him, I am the almightie power, walke before me, and be thou perfect.2 And I wil make my couenant betweene me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.3 And Abram fell on his face, and… Continue reading genesis 17