ieremiah 51 … who/what is the battle axe?
2 esdras 13 … v25 who/what is the man coming out of the sea and the mountain he graved? v37, v52 who is referred to as “my sonne” in the time of esdras? exodus 4 v22
baruch 2: 30 to 35; ieremiah 12 who saves, and what’s our part in the salvation? v 14 to v 17 ; ieremiah 7 v22, v23 ; nehemiah 9 v27; obadiah 21
ieremiah 12 v14 to 17 what about the general heathen? also ieremiah 49 ; proverbs 16 v4; joel 3; micah 7 v14 to 20; zechariah 14 v16 to 21; obadiah …