relationships husband wives fathers daughters sons

deut 24:1 to 5

deut 22:13 to 21

ex 22:16, 17

lev 21:9 to 15

num 30:1 to 16

deut 22:19 to 30

lev 27: 1 to 8

debt 21:10 to 17

tobit 4:12

prov 11:21

ecclesiasticus 26:19

deut 7:1…

1 tim 2:9 to 15; rom 7:2; 1pet 3:1…; 1jn 5:19

prov 9:13; 11:29; 13:10; 17:1,27,28; 18:6 to 8;

ez 16:30; gen34;

ecclesiasticus 3:2; 6:7 to 12; 7:26; 20:5 to 8; 23:23…; 25:16, 18, 20, 21, 26; 26:26; 33:29; 37:12 to 15

prov 31

rom 12:2; tobit 8:6; 1 cor 11:8; luke 17:32; isaiah 32:9 to 20; rev 18:21

ps 121:8a
yhwh yshmr tzathk
ps 121:8b
wbwak maithh waid aiwlm
